选用 4个农艺性状良好 ,春甘蓝品种自交系及按照抽薹特性配制的 F1,F2和回交世代 ,研究了几个农艺性状间的遗传相关和通径分析。遗传相关分析表明 ,部分农艺性状间存在着遗传相关性。抽薹早晚受叶球紧实度的影响最大与叶球紧实度呈极显著的正相关 ,球宽与抽薹期 ,心柱高度和紧实度呈显著负相关。同时 ,以外叶数 (x1) ,球高(x2 ) ,球宽 (x3) ,中心柱长 (x4 ) ,紧实度 (x5 )为自变量 ,以抽薹期 (y)为依变量 ,进行多元回归分析。通径分析表明 ,紧实度对抽薹期的贡献最大 ,紧实度与外叶数 ,球宽的互作效应明显。
In the experiment,four early cabbages inbred lined which had defferent resistance to bolting were selected as parents.Correlation of several agnominal characters were studied.The main results are as follow:Boilting date had prominent posistive correlation with the tight extent of the heading.The tight heading is resistant to bolting.The tight extant of heading is significant.The results of genetic path analysis indicated that the tight extent of heading is the most important factors for bolting date.Both the direct and indirect effect of heading width in diameter,the tigh extent of the heading and outer leaves number were principal.Therefore,the tight extant of heading could be taken as selected character for posistive bolting.
Journal of Northeast Agricultural University