湖南省是黑社会性质组织犯罪比较猖獗的地区之一。湖南省的黑社会性质组织犯罪具有组织严密、攫利疯狂、手段凶残、政治渗透、垄断称霸和成员的反社会性等特点。按犯罪组织主要成员的形成过程 ,可将其分为收买拉拢型、臭味相投作恶型、受害转向害人型、拉大旗作虎皮型等4种类型 ;按犯罪组织的结构或形状 ,可将其分为金字塔型和车轮型 ;按犯罪组织通常采用的犯罪手段和方式 ,可将其分为暴力型、提供非法服务型、无恶不作型等 3种类型 ;按犯罪组织在犯罪过程中的政治渗透程度 ,可将其分为非法谋求“合法”型、“合法”掩护非法型和政黑勾结型等
Hunan Province is one of the areas in which the gangland-like organized crime spreads without any limitations. Such a crime in Hunan is characterized by close organization, greedy for wealth, political erosion, monopoly and anti-social nature of the members. On the basis of different standards, which vary from the membership to the political erosion, such a crime can be divided into different types. A research on these will help the containing of such a crime to maintain the social stability.
Journal of Huan Public Security College