政党学是研究政党及其产生、发展和活动规律的科学。政党学的学科性质 ,政党、政党政治、政党制度的产生和发展的历史过程与规律 ,政党的组织机构、制度设施及其运行机制 ,政党与国家政权系统的关系 ,政党与社会生态的关系 ,构成了中国社会主义政党学的研究对象。
The party is such a subject that deals with the parties and their birth, development and active rules. The object of study on the Chinese socialist parties includes the parties' nature , the historic course and rules of a party , party politics and party system , the party orgnization , party rule and regulations and their operational mechanism , the relation between the parties and the system of the state power , and the relation between the parties and their social environment.
Journal of Jinzhou Teachers College(Philosophy and Social Scienae Edition)