随着环境问题的日益加剧 ,环境犯罪不断增多 ,人类的生存和发展受到了严重威胁。在这种情况下 ,加强环境伦理教育、防治环境犯罪就显得尤为重要。环境伦理教育的内容包括正确的自然观教育、恰当的公正观教育、合理的利益观教育 ,其途径涉及到学校教育、社会教育、家庭教育等方面。
Today environmental problem is becoming more and more serious and the number of environmental crime rises quickly. It has threatened people's life and development. So it is important for us to strengthen environmental ethic education to settle environmental crime . The environmental ethic education includes proper outlook education, suitable fairness education and rational benefit education. Its methods involve school education, social education and family education, etc.
Journal of Huan Public Security College