广泛存在于叙述中的基督教话语 ,使得俄国文学具有了欧洲文化的基因。但是 ,俄国经由拜占庭接受的是东方基督教 ,这就使得俄国在精神上有别于信仰天主教或新教的西方 :痴迷于莫斯科—第三罗马这一拯救世界的弥撒亚理念 ,把上帝世俗化甚至意识形态化 ,通过俄国化的上帝反对西式的现代化。也正是这一作为标示俄国文学民族身份的东方基督教 ,构成了千余年来的俄国审美和文学艺术的重要基础。
Having discourse of Christianity in general narrating,there is European cultural gene in Russian literature.But Russia received Orthodoxy through Byzantium,so Russian spirits is different from west which believes in Catholicism (католичество) or Protestant:Russia peoples are crazy about Moscow-Third Rome which is Messianic idea of saving world,the Russian God who is secularized and even ideologized,Russian opposes modernization by believing in Russianizing God.They are becoming Russian Oriental Orthodoxy which signs Russian national identity,and they make up of important foundation for Russian Aesthetic and literature and art.
Yinshan Academic Journal