牡丹与梅花在我们民族文化传统中的重要地位是分别由唐、宋两代奠定的。就唐、宋两代而言 ,牡丹与梅花有着北方之花与南方之花 ,王公贵族之花与士人平民之花 ,美在颜色、气势与美在品格、意志的诸多分别 ,由此形成了文化象征功能上两相对立的格局。牡丹、梅花的地域分野至今在社情民意上仍有所反映。牡丹象征重在外在事功、物质文明、国家气象 ;梅花象征重在内在品格、精神文明、民族精神。这都是我们今天思考国花问题所必须面对的。两者相辅为用方能满足社会不同爱好 ,顺应文化多元诉求 ,同时也才能全面、准确、充分地体现我们的文化传统 ,代表我们的民族精神 ,展示我们的社会理想。
The very important positions of peony and plum in Chinese cultural traditions were respectively established in Tang and Song dynasty. Showing excellence in color, peony represents the flower of the South and the nobility, while the plum represents the flower of the North, of the civilian and its excellence is reflected through moral, thus forms the opposition on symbol functions. Peony's symbol demonstrates the utility, material and strength, but the plum symbol conveys the spirits in character, moral and thoughts. The best choice is to respect peony and plum together in choosing the national flower.
Yinshan Academic Journal
江苏省哲学社会科学研究"十五"规划项目 (J3- 4 4 )