在当代中国,民间音乐的生存环境和发展状况较之以往已经产生了极大变化,其原因源自当代社会变革的日趋激烈,这种变化对于地处边疆、边远的少数民族音乐文化尤其明显。在大多数少数民族地区还在向贫困挑战的时候,来自西方的全球化经济浪潮又接踵而至。对大多数少数民族来说,如同其刀耕火种的物质生产方式被现代农业生产技术所取代一样,文化发展的独立性也随着现代工业文明的涌入而逐渐被打破。 一个民族的衰败与兴盛无疑跟文化息息相关,我时常在想,当世界上许许多多的人们在关注诸如大熊猫、金丝猴等等某一物种繁衍生息的时候,那些承载人类历史、民族记忆、经验与知识、灵魂的民间文化,如我们在酉阳所看到的土家族八音吹打、摆手舞、跳丧鼓以及五十六个民族生活中那些数不胜数的歌种、乐种、舞种,它们的命运如何呢?我们是否用同样的目光、精力去关注、维护它们?当所有的新闻媒体都在强调风沙越来越威胁到人的生活质量的时候,我们是否发觉民族文化的沙漠化现象已经相当严重?
In present-day China,greater changes have occurred in the living environment and developing status of folk music than in the past,as a result of the increasing intensity of contemporary social changes. Theses changes appear more evident in folk music of the minority population living in remote areas and frontiers. While most of the minority-populated areas are still fighting the poverty, economic globalization tides have come along from the West. For most of the minority population,as their primitive forms of material production have been replaced by modern agricultural technology,their independence in cultural development is being ruined gradually by the emerging modern industrial civilization in the same manner.
The rise and fall of a nation is undoubtedly closely linked with its culture. I keep thinking of this question:while so many people in the world are concerned about survival of such a species as giant panda or golden monkey,what would come to the fate of the folk culture that embodies human history, national memory, knowledge and experience and spirit of a nation,such as the percussion music, arm-swinging dance and funeral drum music of the Tujia nationality that we saw in Youyang.as well as those countless genres of songs,dance and music that exist in the life of the 56 nationalities? Would we attend to and take care of them with the same efforts? Have we discovered that,when all the mass media are emphasizing the increasing threat of the sand storms to the living quality of human beings, the phenomenon of desertification of our national cultures is already getting rather severe?
Peoples Music