《凤凰台》是诗人杜甫用生命写成的伟大诗篇。这首现实主义和浪漫主义结合的力作 ,通篇表现着杜甫一贯的仁者形象和伤时忧国期盼中兴的情结 ,具有纪行与抒情相结合的特殊意义。其诗从逻辑结构、意象运用及诗中的情感表现、自我形象几方面揭示出“凤凰台”
Written by famous poet Du Fu, 'Phoenix Dais' is a great poem created with the combination of realism and romanticism. It represents Du Fu's benignity image and the patriotic complex of nation resurgence, showing its peculiar implications of travel notes and lyricism. The unique aesthetic value of Du Fu's poem 'Phoenix Dais' is presented to readers through different aspects of logic construction, image exertion, feeling manifestation and self-image.
Journal of Tianshui Normal University