辛亥革命至 40年代的《儒林外史》研究 ,可以分为两个阶段 :“五四”新文化运动”前后 ,为了顺应反封建的时代潮流 ,《儒林外史》得到了“新文化运动”主将们的推崇 ,评价既高 ,研究者也不乏其人 ,尤其是胡适、鲁迅两位大师对小说文本的精辟论述以及对吴敬梓的家世、生平行实的考辨 ,更将这一时期的研究推向了高潮。三、四十年代 ,随着民族危机的加剧 ,“救亡”代替了“启蒙”而成为时代的主要任务。受其影响 ,对《儒林外史》的评论与研究的气氛并不热烈 。
The research in SCHOLARS from the Revolution of 1911 to the 1940s can be divided into two staqes.Before and after the May 4th New Cultural Movement,to go with the anti-feudal frend of the times,SCHOLARS was recommended by the chief leaders of the Movement.It was highly praised,and there was no lack of researchers.Among them,Master Hu Shi and Master Lu Xun pushed the research to a new high by their brilliant exposition of the novel and identification of Wu Jingzis family history,life story and actual kehaviour.In the 1930s and 1940s,with the national crisis deepened,'salvation'replaced 'enlightenment'and kecame the majormission.Influeenced by this,the atmosphere of making comment and research around SCHOLARS was not lively,and nor was the accomplishment notable.
Journal of Huaihua University