
KDP晶体中包裹体形成机制的探讨 被引量:12

Discussion on the Formation Mechanism of Inclusion in KDP Crystal
摘要 本文介绍了包裹体对KDP晶体质量的影响,并从两个方面探讨了KDP晶体生长过程中包裹体的形成机制。通过分析KDP晶体表面原子结构研究了不同杂质的吸附情况以及杂质对生长台阶的阻碍作用,通过分析晶体生长过程中流体动力学和质量输运条件的变化研究了旋转晶体的流体切应力和表面过饱和度,结果表明吸附杂质对生长台阶的阻碍和表面过饱和度的不均匀造成了生长台阶的弯曲和宏观台阶的形成,导致生长台阶形貌的不稳定是包裹体形成的重要原因。 The effect of inclusion on the quality of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) crystal was described in this paper. The formation mechanism of inclusion was discussed from two aspects during KDP crystal growth. By analyzing the surface atomic structure of KDP crystal we researched different impurity adsorption and the blocking effect of impurity adsorption on the motion of steps. In addition, we studied the flow shear stress and the inhomogeneity of surface supersaturation on the rotating crystal surface by analyzing the hydrodynamics and mass transfer during crystal growth. The results show that the blocking effect of impurity adsorption on the motion of steps and the inhomogeneity of surface supersaturation bring about the bending of steps and the formation of macrosteps, and the morphological instability of steps is the important reason for inclusion formation.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期631-635,共5页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
关键词 KDP晶体 包裹体 杂质吸附 台阶形貌 稳定性 KDP crystal inclusion impurity adsorption morphological instability
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