证明标准是逮捕条件中的核心问题 ,但我国的刑事诉讼法及相关司法解释均未对这一问题作出明确的界定。笔者比较国内外不同的观点 ,提出以“经查证属实的证据足以初步确定犯罪嫌疑人已实施了犯罪”作为逮捕的证明标准的主张 ,简称“初步确定”观点。
Standard of testification is a core problem in arrestment conditions. However in our country's criminal procedure law and relevant judicial interpretations, this problem is not clearly defined. Compared with home and foreign different viewpoints, the author puts forward the views that the standard of testification for arrestment should be the evidence which has been checked and found to be true, sufficient for preliminary ascertainment of the suspects' commitment of crimes, briefly called the view of 'preliminary ascertainment'.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law