保护管束制度是台湾刑事制裁措施中极具特色的非拘禁性质的罪犯处遇方法。其广泛适用于其他保安处分之替代、受缓刑宣告者、假释出狱者以及少年事件之处理。作者力图通过对该制度之介评 ,对我国大陆相关刑法制度之完善提出己见。
The probation system is a characteristic criminal treatment method which has no nature of imprisonment in the criminal punishment of the criminal law of Taiwan. It is widely applicable to substitution of other measures of security, and to treatment of probationers, prisoners released on parole and children's incidents. The author tries to raise his own views about improving the relevant criminal law system in mainland of our country through the introduction and comment about this system.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law