探讨如何将磁场叠加到电解加工装置上 ,使间隙电场按有利于提高加工精度的方式分布 ,分别进行了静态和动态磁场的试验。测量、分析后发现 ,只有在叠加磁场方向垂直于电场方向且N极指向电场叠加磁场时 ,对电场均布有较明显的作用。
This article studies how the magnetic field can be folded upon the device for the electrolysis process so that the intermittent electric field, according to the favorable way of improving process precision, is allowed to be on the experiments of both static & dynamic design between anode and cathode, respectively. The measure and analysis indicate that the even effect of electric field is quite significant only when the direction of folded magnetic field is vertical to the direction of electric field, and the direction of N Pole points to the folded magnetic field of electric field.
Electromachining & Mould
兵器工业集团公司"十五"科技预研项目资助 (18YXXGY41)