抗辩权 (Einrede)是德国民法典中规定的一项基本权利 ,德国学者在六、七十年代对抗辩权的概念进行过激烈的争论。其争论点主要集中在 :抗辩权是否必须由当事人主张才能被法院考虑 ,法院是否可以依职权主动考虑抗辩权的存在和效力 ;抗辩可以在诉讼前主张还是必须在诉讼中主张 ;抗辩权和形成权的区别和联系等等。〔1〕本文从抗辩概念的发展历史出发 ,对罗马法、古日耳曼法、中世纪宗教法、德国各邦国法以及潘托克顿法学中的抗辩概念进行综述 ,着重研究抗辩概念是如何从程序概念演变到实体概念 ,抗辩发展史上的抗辩是由当事人提出 ,还是由法官主动考虑。从而对德国民法典中的抗辩概念及其行使方式有一个全面、历史的把握。
Objection (Einrede) is one of the fundamental conceptions in the Civil Code of Germany (BGB), on which the germane scholars intensively discussed in the sixties and seventies. The bone of contention includes the difference between objection and Right of formation (Gestaltungsrecht), the effect of objection. This article examines the conception of objection in Roman law, in ancient Nordic law, in consistory law in the middle Ages and in Prussia to find the evolvement of objection in the history. By this way, the author in the article wants to give a comprehensive and historical profile of objection.
Journal of Southwest University of Political Science and Law