全球化与民族国家的关系问题以及全球化条件下民族国家的前途和命运问题 ,已成为全球化理论研究的核心话语。哈贝马斯通过对民族国家生活世界“殖民化”的剖析 ,以交往行为的“合理化”和“话语伦理”的建构为依据 ,阐述了“民族国家主权终结”的主张 ,并且对终结后的未来社会蓝图作了创造性的推测 ,提出了建立“世界公民社会”的理想。他的主张和理想有一定的合理性。但哈贝马斯的“主权终结”思想又与唯物史观相违背 ,他的“世界公民社会”是不切实际的幻想 ,他强调的人权高于主权又在一定程度上为霸权主义提供了理论上的依据。
The relationship between globalization and national states, and the future and destiny of national states under the background of globalization, have become the major theoretical research fields of globalization. On the basis of “rationalization” of communicative behaviour and the construction of “discursive ethics”, and through the analysis of “colonization” of the lives of national states, Habermas expounds his view on “the ending of national sovereignty”, makes imaginative predictions on the future society thereafter and proposes the rationality of the ideal of “a society of universal citizens”. However, Habermas' view of “the ending of sovereignty” runs counter to materialist conception of history, his “society of universal citizens” is only a utopia and his theory that advocates human right is superior to sovereignty provides the theoretical basis for hegemonism.
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)