任何“边缘”并非一开始就处于边缘 ,可能还曾是主流 ,因此从文化人类学的角度来看 ,边缘就是我们自己曾经的生存状态。边缘与主流的关系实质上是一种历史文化现象 ,关注边缘、研究边缘、站在边缘的立场解读设计 ,有着重要的历史、文化和人类学意义上的价值。西南少数民族地区由于地理和历史上政治、军事的阻隔 ,始终被排除在以汉文化为核心的主流群体以外 ,但正是因为这种自然与人为的阻隔 ,在西南地区形成了独特的多样化、立体化的西南少数民族的文化体系 ,从而孕育了多样化。
generalize; survive;cultural ecology Abstract: Not all the “mangin” is the margin at its very beginning, contrarily,it might be the main trend. “margin” is the existent state we ourselves experienced when seen from the angle of cultural anthropology. The relationship between “mangin” and “main stream” is actually a kind of historical and cultural phenomenon. We forcus on margin, study it, and clarify the design from the angle of the margin, as it possesses very important value of history, culture and anthropology. The ethnic groups inhabit in the southwest area were always excluded from the main community whose core culture is that of the Han, due to the isolation made by geography, history, politios and military. But, it is the isolation that engenders the unique cultural systerm of the southwestern ethnic groups, and gives birth to the design of the southwestern ethnic groups' tradition.
Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition