进入信息网络化时代 ,高校图书馆的功能必须有所扩展和转换。除为高校师生提供全方位、高质量的信息服务之外 ,高校图书馆还要为建立学习型社会承担职责 ,为大众终身学习提供服务 ;在远程职业技术和学历教育中发挥作用。与此相适应 ,高校图书馆员也要实现角色转换 ,重构自己的知识体系和职业技能。高校图书馆必须彻底打破旧的循环模式 ,建立新的发展机制 ,才能跟上时代步伐 ,在知识创新和人才培养中切实担负其应有的职责。
In Internet era, functions of college libraries must be expanded and reformed. Besides providing students and teachers first-rate comprehensive services, college libraries ought to undertake responsibility for constructing a learning society, providing services for people's lifelong studies and serving remote professional training and diploma-oriented education. Accordingly, librarians should change their roles in work, renew their own knowledge structure and professionalism. College libraries must completely break through the outmoded circulation and build up new systems to keep up with the time and bear their duties in personnel training and knowledge innovation.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University