目的 :探讨经尿道前列腺部分切除与镍钛合金网状支架对高危前列腺增生患者的治疗效果。方法 :对 4 4例行经尿道前列腺部分切除术 ,39例行镍钛合金网状支架置入术 ,比较两组的手术结果 ,并分别随访 3个月和 3年。结果 :经尿道前列腺部分切除手术时间较长 ,失血较多 ,术后 3个月时 ,IPSS、最大尿流率、剩余尿量两组差异无统计学意义 ;3年时镍钛合金网状支架置入组最大尿流率高 ,剩余尿量少。结论 :镍钛合金网状支架置入术围手术期对患者影响小 ,更安全 ,近期疗效二者相仿 ;而远期疗效 。
Objective:To evaluate the effect of transurethral resection of partial prostate(TURPP) and urethral stent on high-risk benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH).Method:44 cases with high-risk BPH were treated with TURPP (Group 1). During the same period, 39 cases with high-erisk BPH were treated with urethral stent (Group 2). two groups were followed up from three months to three years later after the opertions.Result:Group 2 had shorter operation time, less bleeding. Symptom score (IPSS), peak urine flow rate (MFR), residual urine volume(RUV) were not significantly different in two groups 3 months after the operation. Group 2 had higher MFR, less RUV 3 years after the operations.Conclusion:The results indicated that urethral stent was more safe than TURPP perioperatively. Two groups had similar effects. And it was believed that urethral stent has been highly effetive than TURPP in a long term.
Journal of Clinical Urology