以建水无籽蜜桔(Citrus reticulate)开花后120天的幼胚为材料。在含BA0.5mg/l(单位以下同)或IBA0.5或BAO.2+2,4—D1.5的MT(Murashige and Tueker)培养基中,可使幼胚发育成丛芽和不同类型的胚状体。IBAO.5—1.0有益于球形胚、子叶胚的增殖,BA0.5有益于子叶胚形成丛芽。小芽段在附加BAO.5的MT培养基中增殖率相对较高,其速度65天为3.2倍,112天为4.2倍,142天为5.2倍。芽苗在1/2MT+1BA(或NAA)0.5—1.0中的平均生根率为90%,接种后置于光下培养比先暗后光处理的生根率要高37.8%;嫩芽苗比老芽苗的生根率高15.4%,且出根早、根数多。移苗的平均成活率为92.2%;移后8个月的苗高达40cm以上。
The juvenile embryos of Citrus reticulate Blanto after blossom 120 days were used as experiment material. The tufted shoots and all kinds of embryoid can be induced on MT medium with BA 0.5mg / 1 or IBA 0.5mg / 1 or BA 0.2mg / 1 +2, 4-D 1.5mg / 1. The multiplication and growth of globularity embryoid and seed-leaf embryoid were nice in medium with IBA 0.5-1.0mg / 1, BA 0.5mg / 1 was very satisfied with forming tufted shoots from seed-leaf embryo. The shoots can multiply in MT medium with BA 0.25-1 .0mg / 1; multiplication rate was the hightest in MT with BA 0.5mg / 1 and the proliferation speed of the shoots was 3.2 times in 65 days, 4.2 times in 112 days, 5.2 times in 142 days. The percentage of average rooting reached about 90% for shoots in 1 / 2 MT medium with IBA (or NAA) 0.5-1 .0mg / 1. The rooting rate of shoots in the light were 38.7% more than in the dark first then in the light, with rooting early and more number of roots. Rooting rate of young shoots were 15.4% more than old shoots. Average survivalrate of transplant were 92.2%. After the 8 months transplanted the plantlet length was over 40 cm.
Acta Botanica Yunnanica
Citrus reticulate
Juvenil embryo culture
Clonal propagation