一种分离自豆类的新型凝集素不仅具有凝集活性 ,还具有体外长期维持造血干 /祖细胞的能力 .由眉豆(Dolichoslablab)中分离得到了这种多亚基的凝集素———FRIL (Flt3receptor interactinglectin) ,并对它进行了核酸和蛋白质序列分析 .免疫细胞分析显示 ,它的受体是CD34+ 造血干 /祖细胞所特有的 .在培养基中添加这种凝集素可长期维持CD34+ 细胞存活和增殖能力 .以Flt3配基 (FL)作为对照 ,在 2 8天的培养时间内 ,相对于FL ,FRIL可维持细胞较高的G0 /G1期比例 (80 %以上G0 /G1期 )和长期培养中 (1 4天以上 ) 1 5倍以上的集落形成量 .可见FRIL通过滞留造血干 /祖细胞于G0 /G1期而维持它们的自我更新潜能 .
A new lectin extracted from lablab can maintain the multipotential of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in vitro for a long time in addition to its hemagglutination property. This new lectin FRIL (Flt3 rectptor interacting lectin) was purified from Dolichos lablab , its biological speciality was identified and its receptors were located on hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. When CD34 + cells were cultured in the presence of this lectin or its counterpart FL, within the 28 days of culture, FRIL can keep more cells in G0/G1 phase (beyond 80%) and 1 5 fold colony forming cells more than FL does after 14 days culture. So, it is concluded that FRIL maintain HSC/HPCs self renewal property by halting its cell cycles.
Progress In Biochemistry and Biophysics
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 ( 973 ) (G19990 5 3 90 3 )
国家高技术"863"计划资助项目 ( 2 0 0 1AA2 1615 1)
国家高技术"863"计划重大专项课题 ( 2 0 0 2AA2 0 5 0 5 1)
北京市科委自然科学基金资助项目 (H0 2 0 2 2 0 0 10 190 )~~