对干涉式光纤传感器来说 ,光源的谱宽直接影响着传感器的工作特性。从法布里珀罗干涉式光纤传感器出发 ,推导其灵敏度的理论表达式 ,并用MathCAD软件进行了数学分析 ,讨论了光源谱宽对传感器灵敏度的影响。介绍了具有温度反馈功能的法布里珀罗光纤干涉实验系统 ,给出了用该实验系统拍摄的谐振曲线照片。从该系统进行的两个重要的实验 (不同干涉腔长的灵敏度对比实验和不同干涉长度的光源实验 )表明 ,法布里珀罗干涉式光纤传感器的灵敏度与光源谱宽的理论表达式是正确的 ,理论公式与实验结论能很好地吻合。最后指出了该方法可以用于分析其他类型的干涉式光纤传感器的灵敏度问题 。
As for an interference optic fiber sensor, the characteristics of its performance are directly influenced by the spectrum width of light source. Based on the research of Fabry Perot interference optic fiber sensor, its sensitivity is theoretically formulated. Futhermore, with the application of the mathematical analysis of the result by software MathCAD, the problem of how sensor sensitivity being influenced by the spectrum width of light souce is discussed. An experimental system of optic fiber interference with feedback function is introduced and is applied to the display of a resonance curve. Two important experiments with the application of the above system (one is a comparison experiment on the sensitivity of interference cavities of different lengths; the other is a light source experiment on different interference lengths) present: the theoretical formula on the sensitivity of Fabry Perot interference optic fiber sensor and the spectrum width of light source is valid, which is quite in agreement with the results of the experiments. Therefore, this method can be applied to the study of the sensitivity of other of interference optic fiber sensor, and to the choice of light source.
Acta Optica Sinica