加强基因保护的国际合作已成为广大发展中国家的重大问题之一。对基因的法律保护应从基因资 源和基因技术两方面入手,对于基因技术的法律保护问题,我们认为不应拘泥于现有的专利法保护,而应刨设一 种新的知识产权——基因专有权,保护基因资源,以避免西方保护模式对我们的制约。
To strengthen the protection of gene through international cooperation has become one of the important questions for the developing countries. As for the legal protection of gene, we should take measures not only from gene resource, but from gene technology, and as for the legal protection of gene technology, we think we should cre-ate a new intellectual properly-gene tent rather than rigidly adhering to the current protection of patent law. We should use new right to protect our new intellectual property in order to perevent us from being restricted by the west-ern protection mold
Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Social Science Edition)