翻译最基本的特征 ,是其语篇受双面的约束。一方面受原语言语篇的约束 ,另一方面受另一文化读者所拥有的交际语言的条件所约束。在把原语言语篇译成目的语语篇时 ,应使目的语语篇与原语言语篇有相同的语篇风格 。
Translation is a kind of creative work.And it is a cross-linguistic socio-cultural practice in which a text in one language is replaced by a functionally equivalent text in another.The fundamental characteristic of a translation is that it is a text that is doubly bound,on the one hand to a text in the source language,the “source text”,on the other hand,to the communicative-linguistic conditions holding in the culture to which the addressees belong.In translation,the target text should have the equivalent style to that of its original,so that the effect the target text on the target reader is equivalent to the effect the source text on the source reader.
Journal of Qiongzhou University