海南民族文化是中华民族文化整体中的一个重要组成部分 ,而长期以来却未能得到足够的重视。作为其中的一个重要特色课题 ,《五指山风韵———海南少数民族文学探析》以较为宏大的篇幅 ,从总体上对海南少数民族民间文学和作家文学作出全景式的扫描和评价 ,初步建构了一个系统的理论研究框架 ,成为海南少数民族文学研究的不可多得的重要收获。
Hainan national culture is one important part of Chinese national culture,while it receives long-term insufficient attention.As a chief project,《Wuzhishan's Charm-Analysis of Hainan Minority Literature》in great length makes a comprehensive survey and evaluation of Hainan minority folk literature and writers' literature,initially builds a systematic framework of theory research and becomes valuable gains in the field of Hainan minority literature research.
Journal of Qiongzhou University