
周期量级超短激光脉冲在近临界密度等离子体中形成的光孤子 被引量:3

Solitons formed by ultrashort laser pulses propagating in a plasma
摘要 利用一维粒子模拟程序 ,观测到周期量级的超短激光脉冲在等离子体中可以以孤子形式传播 .它在一定密度等离子体中以较高的群速度向前传播 ,并在到达等离子体与真空界面时发生反射和透射 .当入射激光脉冲强度增大时 ,非线性调制效应使它产生较大的频率下移 ,致使光孤子传播速度变小 .另外 ,对于同样光强下的几十个周期以上的光脉冲 。 Using one-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, we observed the formation of solitons which can move with high group velocities when ultrashort laser pulses at a few cycles only propagate in underdense plasma near the critical density. There exist reflection and transmission when the solitons arrive at the plasma-vacuum boundary. When the intensity of initial laser pulses increases, the velocity of the formed solitons decreases. When a laser pulse at a few tens of cycles propagates in such a plasma, a cluster of solitons are left behind, and trapped in the plasma.
出处 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期798-802,共5页 Acta Physica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金 (批准号 :10 10 5 0 14 1982 5 110和 10 0 75 0 75 ) 国家高技术惯性约束聚变基金资助的课题~~
关键词 超短激光脉冲 等离子体 粒子模拟 光孤子 临界密度 脉冲强度 色散效应 soliton, ultrashort laser pulse, plasma, particle-in-cell simulations
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