This paper proposed improvements to the low bit rate parametric audio coder with sinusoid model as its kernel. Firstly, we propose a new method to effectively order and select the perceptually most important sinusoids. The sinusoid which contributes most to the reduction of overall NMR is chosen. Combined with our improved parametric psychoacoustic model and advanced peak riddling techniques, the number of sinusoids required can be greatly reduced and the coding efficiency can be greatly enhanced. A lightweight version is also given to reduce the amount of computation with only little sacrifice of performance. Secondly, we propose two enhancement techniques for sinusoid synthesis: bandwidth enhancement and line enhancement. With little overhead, the effective bandwidth can be extended one more octave; the timbre tends to sound much brighter, thicker and more beautiful.
This paper proposed improvements to the low bit rate parametric audio coder with sinusoid model as its kernel. Firstly, we propose a new method to effectively order and select the perceptually most important sinusoids. The sinusoid which contributes most to the reduction of overall NMR is chosen. Combined with our improved parametric psychoacoustic model and advanced peak riddling techniques, the number of sinusoids required can be greatly reduced and the coding efficiency can be greatly enhanced. A lightweight version is also given to reduce the amount of computation with only little sacrifice of performance. Secondly, we propose two enhancement techniques for sinusoid synthesis: bandwidth enhancement and line enhancement. With little overhead, the effective bandwidth can be extended one more octave; the timbre tends to sound much brighter, thicker and more beautiful.