目的 :了解躁狂症患者的血清一氧化氮 (NO)水平。 方法 :对 2 0例躁狂症患者的血清NO水平进行检测 ,采用Bech Rafaelsen躁狂量表 (BRMS)进行评定。以 18例正常体检者为对照。 结果 :躁狂症组的血清NO水平明显高于正常对照组 ,血清NO水平与BRMS分之间未发现有相关性。 结论 :躁狂症患者存在相对较高的血清NO水平 。
Objective:To understand the serum nitric oxide level in manic patients. Method:The serum nitric oxide level of 20 manic patients were detected,and their psychopathologic symptom were assessed by Bech-Rafaelsen mania rating scale(BRMS). Results:The serum nitric oxide level of patients were higher than those of normal controls.The serum nitric oxide level was not correlated with BRMS. Conclusion:There were higher serum nitric oxide level in mania patients. Nitric oxide may playa pathophysiologic role in mania.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
苏州市科技计划 (社会发展 )项目 (SZD0 3 2 8)