目的 :探讨用组织块培养图象分析技术测定鼻咽肿瘤活检组织 2Gy照射后的细胞存活分数(survivalfractionat 2grey ,SF2 )的可行性。方法 :取初发鼻咽肿瘤新鲜活检标本 6 5例 ,用组织块培养图象分析技术测定SF2 和 3例肿瘤组织在不同照射剂量下的细胞存活分数 ,描述剂量 -反应关系。结果 :6 5例中 6 0例成功测得SF2 值 ,分布于 0 1 2~ 0 99,标准差 0 0 5 3~ 0 1 90 ,变异系数 0 0 96~ 0 4 4 2。 3例肿瘤组织的存活分数和照射剂量之间有明显的剂量反应关系 ,用L Q模型能良好拟合其结果。结论 :该方法可以测定出不同患者鼻咽活检肿瘤组织间SF2 值的差别 ,简便快捷。
Objective To explore the feasibility of detecting the survival fraction at two grey(SF 2) of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissues with the technique of image analysis of the tissue fragment primary culture.Methods The fresh bioptic specimens of 65 patients with the nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the out patient department of the Affiliated Tumor Hospital of Sun Yat sen University were selected,and SF 2 of these were estimated by the method of image analysis of the tissue fragment primary culture,and the survival fractions of 3 cases at different dose were detected in order to describe the dose effect curve.Results The SF 2 values of 60 cases were gained successfully in all 65 cases,and arranged from 0 12 to 0 99.The standard deviations of all SF 2 were from 0 053 to 0 190 and coefficient of variations were from 0 096 to 0 442.The dose effect curves revealed that there was an apparent doseresponse relation,and the results could be well fitting by the L Q model.Conclusion This technique may detect the difference of SF 2 among the biopitic tissues from the nasopharyngeal carcinoma,and it is convenient and reasonable.
China Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment
中山医科大学 2 11建设基金 ( 980 5 9)
nasopharyngeal neoplasms/pathology
image interpretation,computer assisted
radiation tolerance