目的 :探讨单眼无晶状体眼对眼球的影响。方法 :收集近几年单眼外伤性无晶状体眼和老年性白内障摘除后无晶状体眼行二期植入术的病例 5 9例。选有完整资料的外伤组 19例 ,老年组 2 7例。测定无晶状体眼和对侧眼眼轴长度 ,比较双侧眼轴 ,并观察无晶状体眼与病程的相关性。结果 :外伤组的无晶状体眼眼轴较对侧眼明显增长 ,其增长程度与病程有正相关性。尚未发现老年组有类似情况 ,但是有 5例单眼老年性白内障摘除 8年以上的无晶状体眼的眼轴较对侧眼长。结论 :多发生在青壮年期的外伤性无晶状体眼可以重新诱发眼球轴性生长。本组资料尚不能证明老年无晶状体眼对眼球的作用 ,但是可能诱发眼球生长的因素终生存在。临床上拟行二期人工晶状体植入术时应注意对眼轴的影响 。
Objective:To study the effect of the unilateral aphakia on ocular axial length.Methods:Deta of 59 aphakic patients for secondary lens implantation were reviewed.19 patients were traumatic aphakic(traumatic group)and 27 patients senile aphakic after cataract surgery(senile group).The ocular axial lengths of both eyes in all patients were measured and compared.Results:There were significant differences in ocular axial lengths between aphakic and phakic eyes in traumatic group(P<0 01).The axial lengths of aphakic eyes were longer than that of phakic ones.The increase of ocular axial length related to the aphakic period.Statistics showed no difference in senile group,except 5 patients,who had been aphakic over 8 years,the ocular axial lengths of the aphakic eyes were a little bit longer than that of the phakic.Conclusion:Traumatic aphakia may cause axial ocular growth again as ocular injuries occur mostly in young people,but in our study,it is not explained how senile aphakia affect the ocular axial lengths.Possibly,the inducement of ocular growing exists in individual lifetime.The results suppose that ocular axial length should be considered when secondary lens implantation is for biocular vision.
Ophthalmology in China