目的 :观察卡维地洛治疗轻、中度原发性高血压的降压疗效。方法 :60例原发性高血压患者被随机分为卡维地洛组 (卡组 )和阿替洛尔组 (对照组 ) ,各 3 0例 ,分别给予卡维地洛 10~ 40mg/d和阿替洛尔 2 5~ 10 0mg/d ,疗程 8周。治疗前及治疗后 2、4、6、8周末测量坐位血压及心率 ,记录不良反应。结果 :( 1)治疗后两组病人的血压均有明显下降。卡组SBP/DBP降低 2 8.3 / 2 0 .1mmHg( 16.9%/ 19.5 %) ,对照组SBP/DBP降低 2 3 .5 / 16.9mmHg( 14 .3 %/ 16.5 %) ,分别与治疗前比较有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 1) ;两组间差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5 )。 ( 2 )卡组与对照组总有效率分别为 86.7%和 76.7%,总显效率分别为 66.7%和 60 .0 %,两组间差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5 )。 ( 3 ) 8周末 ,两组心率均降低 ,分别与治疗前比较有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 1) ,两组间差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :卡维地洛治疗轻、中度高血压疗效确切。
? Objective To evaluate the efficacy of carvedilol in mild or moderate essential hypertension. Methods Sixty essential hypertension patients were randomly divided into carvedilol group (30 cases) and atenolol group (30 cases). Carvedilol (10~40mg) was given to carvedilol group once a day for 8 weeks. Atenolol (25~100mg) was given to atenolol group once a day for 8 weeks. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured and symptoms and signs were recorded. Results ①After treatment blood pressure was significantly decreased in both groups. The reduction of blood pressure was 28.3/20.1mmHg in carvedilol group and it was 23.5/16.9mmHg in atenolol group (compared with that before the treatment, P <0.01). There was no significant difference between these two groups ( P >0.05).②The overall efficacy rate for carvedilol therapy was 86.7%, and it was 76.7% in atenolol group. There was no significant difference between the two groups ( P > 0.05 ).③After treatment the heart rate was also decreased in both groups (compared with that before the treatment, P <0.01). There was no significant difference between the two groups ( P >0.05). Conclusion The treatment with carvedilol can get good effects in mild or moderate essential hypertension, which shows that the carvedilol is an effective and safe anti hypertensive medicine.
Journal of Practical Diagnosis and Therapy