目的 探讨射频烧灼对兔角膜、巩膜及晶状体、视网膜等眼组织的超微结构影响。方法 应用射频(功率 15 W)烧灼 2 4只成年新西兰兔眼角膜、巩膜 10 s,随机分为四组 ,每组 6只 ,并分别在烧灼后 2 h、2 4 h、3d、14d采集标本和用透射电镜观察烧灼组兔角膜、巩膜及晶状体、视网膜的改变 ,并同时观察对照组的表现。结果 射频烧灼后 2 h,角膜上皮细胞核染色质固缩、基质部分胶原纤维断离、内皮细胞线粒体肿胀、空泡 ;巩膜成纤维细胞核染色质固缩、粗面内质网扩张、线粒体肿胀 ;晶状体无改变 ;视网膜色素上皮细胞线粒体肿胀、视细胞外节紊乱、内节线粒体肿胀 ,外核层细胞核染色质固缩等改变。烧灼后 3d,角膜上皮细胞结构较为清晰 ,内皮细胞个别线粒体肿胀 ,巩膜成纤维细胞线粒体轻度肿胀 ,视网膜结构基本正常。烧灼后 14 d,角膜、巩膜和视网膜的超微结构与对照组比较无明显差异。结论研究结果表明射频烧灼角膜、巩膜可导致角膜和巩膜的直接损伤及视网膜的间接损伤 ,但其超微结构改变在烧灼后 14
Objective To assess the influence of radio frequency (RF) burn on the ultrastructure of rabbits cornea, sclera, lens and retina. Methods The cornea and sclera of 24 adult New Zealand rabbits were burned by RF(power 15 W) for 10 seconds. The specimens of cornea, sclera, lens and retina were collected and examined under transmission electron microscopy (TEM) at 2 hours, 24 hours, 3 days and 14 days after burning. Results The TEM showed corneal epithelial cells nuclear chromatin pyknosis, stromal partial colloid fibers rupture, endothelial cells mitochondria turgescence and vacuolization; scleral fibroblastic nuclear chromatin pyknosis, rough endoplasmic reticulum distention, mitochondria turgescence; lens normal; retinal pigment epithelial cells mitochondria turgescence, photoreceptor cells outer segment disarrangement, inner segment mitochondria turgescence, and outer nuclear layer cells' nuclear chromatin pyknosis, 2 hours after burning. Corneal epithelial cells structure was fairly clear, some mitochondria of endothelial cells were turgescent, scleral fibroblastic mitochondria were slightly turgescent, and retinal structure was almost normal, 3 days after burning. There were no significant changes of cornea, sclera and retina in ultrustructure when the burnt groups were compared with the control group, 14 days after burning. Conclusion These findings suggest that RF can cause direct lesion of cornea, sclera and indirect lesion of retina by burning cornea and selera, but the ultrastructural changes will almost recover 14 days after RF burning.
Journal of Sichuan University(Medical Sciences)
Radio frequency Burn Eye Ultrastructure