意思表示是私法秩序下绝大多数法律关系的起点。意思表示作为人的内心活动的外部传达或宣示 ,必然要引出意思与表示是否一致 ,以及两者不一致时如何对已有意思表示进行判断的问题。解决这个问题的关键是如何理解意思与表示在法律交易中的实质作用及其相互关系。较可取的做法是认为意思表示的内容与效力应该通过规定性的表示获得。
The declaration of the intent is a starting point for most of legal relations under the private law order. The concept of intent was finally built up in the German law,but could be originated to Roman law in fact. There must be such problems as whether an intent and the declaration are consistent,or how to make a judgment to the accomplished intent when it is inconsistent with the declaration. The key to these problems is how to understand the actual function and the interrelationship between the intent and the declaration in legal transactions. It is definitely a better way that we take intent as an external demonstration ruled by law,which should be understood through the declaration.
Chinese Journal of Law