身份登记制度是国家机关对公民个人的出生、死亡及其一定的亲属关系加以登记、公示、公证的法律制度。西方国家的有关制度起源于教会登记制度 ,经过世俗化而实现近代化 ,又克服近代立法缺陷而现代化。现代各国身份登记制度在簿册之多寡、特殊身份事项之处理、登记之单位、登记事项集中地、立法形式等方面有所不同。我国身份登记制度在登记事项、主管机关之间的衔接、申报时间要求等方面还存在不足 ,亟待改进。
Identity registration system means that the identity of citizens and their family relations are registered and notarized by state organs. This system of western countries originated from Church’s registration,experiencing the secularization,and was modernized through the revision of the relevant laws. Its concrete provisions in each country is different in respect of the number of registration books,the dealing of special status matters,by what unit to register, where to collect matters occurring at different places,forms of legislation. There are some defects in Chinese identity registration system such as the subject matter of registration,linkage of various registration organs,and the requirement on reporting time,which require improvement.
Chinese Journal of Law