A trial was conducted in the years 1989-1990 at the improved variety base of tung oil tree in Jinhua County. On the basis of general management and the characteristics of growth and development of tung oil tree stand, a complete fertilizer with N-fertilizers being dominant (N:P2O5:K2O = 4.0:2.0:1.2) was used before flowering (in the last 10 days of March) and another complete fertilizer with K-fertilizer being dominant (N:P2O5:K2O=1.0:1.0:2.4) was used during the early part of fruit growth and oil increase in the first 10 days of July). There was a most significant regression relationship of quadratic para-curve between the fruit yield and quality of tung oil tree during the period of full fruiting and the amounts of fertilizers applied, with the regression equations between the yield and the amounts of fertilizers applied being y = 2 403+7 950x-3 165x2 (r = 0.784 2, r0.01 = 0.6411) and y = 3947 + 11 628x-4074x2 (r = 0.8290, r0.01 = 0.641 1) for 6-and 7-year-old trees respectively. The regression equation between oil content and the amounts of fertilizers applied was y=48.21 +31.06x-13.00x2 (r = 0.931 2, r0.05 = 0.878 3). The fruit yield of tung oil tree increased from 3267kg/hm2 in the contrast to 7 557 kg/hm2 in the trea tment of l/2S(an average value of 6- and 7-year-old trees). This was due to the application of complete fertilizers with N, P and K in different proportions. Oil content also increased from 46.0% in the contrast to 63.7% in the treatment of 1/2S. The highest proportion of gain to investment was 5.21.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College
tung oil tree (Vernicia Jordii Airy-Shaw. )
complete fertilizer
peak yield
marginal yield
ratio of gain to investment
optimum amount of fertilizer applied