近年来 ,外商直接投资在我国迅猛增长 ,2 0 0 2年总额已达 5 2 7.43亿美元 ,占世界直接投资总额近 1 / 1 0。外商直接投资在我国经济发展中所发挥的作用和影响在不断扩大和加深。将从直接与间接影响两个方面 ,研究外商直接投资与中国国际收支的相互关系 ,并结合我国对外直接投资的具体情况提出了相应对策与建议。
FDI has increased tremendously in China in recent years, a nounting to a total sum of 52.743billions by 2002, which accounts for about onetenth of gross FDI of the world. FDI has played and will play a more and more important role in China's economic development. The paper analyzes the relationship between the FDI and China's balance of payments from the direct and indirect aspects and tries to pvopose the practical measures.
Commercial Research