本研究旨在给出四季均衡产笋的竹种配置模型及其周年笋基地营建措施,实现周年供笋、常年加工的新格局。历时5 a,通过对21种优良散、丛生笋用竹的笋期、繁殖力、出笋成竹率、产量特性、笋体理化性能、品质、适生范围及经营效益的综合测试、多点比较和数学评判,研究给出了浙南及其气候相似地区的周年供笋模式。其理想构筑竹种为雷竹、红竹、角竹、黄甜竹、绿竹、吊丝单及毛竹,诸竹适度面积配比4:4:4:3:5:6:4.该模式竹林具有笋期全年相衔、丰产优质、高效之特性。其4~5年生林分,投入产出比1:6.58,盛产竹林年收益10500元/hm^2.
The research aims at putting forward the pattern bamboo forest which can sprout shoots for four seasons of a year and the measures to found base of supplying shoots for whole year. Running for five years, 21 species of dispersive or caepitose shoot-bamboos have been systematically studied in south Zhejiang about their live force, the time of putting forth shoots, the sprouting and growing capacity,yield property,the physical and chemical characteristics of bamboo-shoots,quality,the suitable-growing range, market foreground and management benefit. The results show that the pattern about supplying bamboo-shoots for whole year in mid or south subtropics of our country should be consisted of Ph, praecox f. pervernalis,Ph. hidenscens, Ph. fimbriligula, Acidosasa edulis, Bambusa oldhami, B. vario-striata and Ph. pubescens. Their rate of sutiable area is 4:4:4 = 3:5:6:4. This pattern possesses the function of high yield, fine quality,good benefit and the joining period of sprouting shoots for whole year. For this bamboo stand of 4-5 yr. old the rate of putting into-out is 6.58, and it's income is 10500 yuan RMB per hectare at the age of the highest yield.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College
supplying bamboo sprout for whole year
pattern bamboo forest