目的 :探讨影响心脏术后早期下床活动的因素与护理对策。方法 :解除患者的心理顾虑 ;适当镇静止痛 ,取舒适的卧位 ,在病情允许时 ,尽早撤除各种管道 ;扶助下床活动 ;控制入量 ,加强心功能的维护。结果 :术后 2~ 3d患者下床活动。结论 :护理干预解除了影响早期下床活动的因素 ,对减少并发症的发生 ,缩短手术恢复期 ,促进患者早日康复起到了积极的作用。
Objective:To explore for affective factors about early ambulation after heart operation and nursing measures.Method:We had alleviated patients,anxiety,prescribed analgesia medicine made patients to take more comfortable posture,remove any veinous and other tubes canals as early as possible to help them ambulation,controlled their diet and transfusion volume,take supervision.Result:Patients take ambulation two or three days after operation.Conclusion:Nursing intervention can affect patients ambulation time,reduce complication,reduce convalescence durance.
Journal of Qilu Nursing