简要介绍了电化学石英晶体微天平 (EQCM ,electrochemi calquartzcrystalmicrobalance)的工作原理 ,并针对其在应用中经常遇到的几个问题进行了深入讨论。比较起单纯的电化学分析方法 ,EQCM系统中QCM元件与溶液接触的电极同时充当了电化学体系的工作电极及石英晶体振荡器的电极两个角色 ,从而在进行电化学实验的过程中 ,可同时得到氧化 /还原电流及QCM频率两个参量。通过对这两个参量的综合分析 ,可更好地对电化学过程中的各种离子 /分子在电极表面行为进行分析。由于EQCM同时利用了电化学检测的高灵敏度及QCM的可实时检测表面质量及阻尼的特点 ,在生物化学量的检测中具有非常好的应用前景。
The operation principle of the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) is introduced, and then some practical aspects frequently encountered in application are discussed in detail.Compared with the conventional electrochemical method,the liquid-contact electrode of the EQCM system performs as both the working electrode for the electrochemical system and the electrode for the QCM element.In such a way,both the oxidation-reduction current and the frequency of the QCM can be recorded simultaneously during the electrochemical experiments.Analyzing the two parameters can reveal more details for the electrochemical performances of the ion/molecular on the electrode surface.Because the EQCM system takes the advantages of both the high sensitivity in electrochemical analysis and the in situ surface mass and viscosity sensitivity in the QCM system,it can be widely used in biological as well as chemical measurement.
Measurement & Control Technology
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 0 2 7115 9)