思茅松毛虫(Dendrolimus kikuchii Matsumura)和马尾松毛虫(Den.PunctatusWalker)同时危害雪松,以思茅松毛虫占多数,能在雪松上完成世代。开化县城内228株雪松全部受害,严重影响生长和树形美。采用喷烟防治和除茧防治效果良好。
Dendrolimus kikuchii Matsumura and Den. punctatus Walker harm trees ofcedar at the same time, but the former constitutes the majority of the harm and it can completeit's generation on cedar tree. In the town of Kaihua county, 228 plants of cedar had all suff-ered the harm, and their growth and arborescent shape were damaged seriously. The effectsof controlling them by spraying smoke and removing the cocoons were both well.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology