柳杉毛虫(Dendrolimus latipennis Walker)在浙南山区一年发生一代,以卵在柳杉针叶腋间越冬,其周期规律,短周期26年,长周期29年,暴发后可连续为害3~4年。早春低温可使幼虫大量死亡。对10年以下柳杉被害死亡率为19.2%,10~20年生被害死亡率为35.3%。在柳杉毛虫4~5龄幼虫期进行每亩1kg白僵菌或每亩3kg烟剂进行防治,效果良好。
With one generation a year, Dendrolimus latipennis Walker overwinters in eggstage on needle axil of cryptomeria. It takes place periodicly in a short cycle of 26 years or along cycle of 29 years, and after it's outbreak it can do harm for 3~4 years continuously.Microtherm in early spring may cause the larva dead in large quantity. The mortality ofdamaged cryptomeria tree being younger than 10 years old is 19.2%, while to those of 10~20years old it is 35.3%. Applying Beauveria bassiana 1 kg/mu or spraying smoke insecticide3 kg/mu to the 4~5 instar larvae can effectively control the pest.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology