JXTA项目是由SUN公司发起的开放源代码项目。自从2001年4月推出JXTA 1.0版本的参考实现后,JXTA社区进一步完善,最近推出了JXTA 2.0版本。在新的版本中进行了很多算法方面的改进,本文主要是介绍其中改进最大的一部分——集合点网络的消息扩散机制。
The open-source project JTXA is the industry leading peer -to -peer (P2P) platform originally conceived by sun microsystems Inc. From the initial reference implementation of the JXTA 1. 0 protocols that was released on April 2001, the JXTA community continually improve it. And the JXTA 2. 0 reference implementation was recently released. The JXTA 2. 0 implementation introduces a number of newfeatures for improving functionality, performance of the JXTA network. The following paper introduces the message propagation mechanism in the rendezvous network which is the stronger differentiation between two implementations.
Modern Electronics Technique