
条栽茶树树冠小气候与茶树生长发育的关系 被引量:2

Studies on the relationship between the microclimate in the crown of tea plants and their growth and development.
摘要 茶树树冠小气候特征及其对茶树新梢物候期和生化成分的影响表现为:相对光强和叶温的分布是从树冠外围到中心、从树冠上部到下部减少的.树冠迎风侧的风速大于树冠背风侧.树冠内小气候因子的分布,对茶树新梢生长发育和鲜叶生化成分有很大影响.对东-西行向的条栽茶树来说,新梢萌发生长,树冠南侧早于北侧;花蕾着生数树冠南侧多于北侧;茶氨基酸含量,树冠南侧小于北侧;茶多酚和咖啡碱含量,树冠南侧大于北侧.对南-北行向条栽茶树来说,新梢萌发生长,树冠西侧早于东侧;花蕾着生数树冠西侧多于东侧;茶氨基酸含量,树冠西侧小于东侧;茶多酚类含量树冠西侧大于东侧.咖啡碱含量,树冠不同方位差异不大. The characteristics of the microclimate in the crown of the tea plant and the influence of the microclimate on the phenological phase of tea plants and the biochemical composition of the shoots are described. The relative intensity of illumination and leafy temperature decrease from the periphery of the crown to the centre of the crown and from over the crown to under the crown. The relative air moisturelin the south of the crown is higher than that in the north, and the difference of the relative air moisture between the east and the west of the crown is not significant. The wind speed on the windward side in the crown is greater than that on the lee side. Distribution of microclimate factors in the crown has a great effect on the growth and development of the tea plants and the biochemical'composition of fresh leaves. For tea plant of west-east row, the shoot germination in the south crown is earlier than that in the north crown, the number of flower buds is more in the south crown than in the north crown, the content of amino acids in the south crown is lower than that in the north crown, and the content of tea polyphenols in the south crown is greater than that in the north crown. For tea plant of north-south row, the shoot germination in the west crown is earlier than that in the east crown, the content of amino acids in the west crown is lower than that in the east crown, the content of tea polyphenols in the west crown is greater than that in the east crown, but the contents of caffeine in the different parts of the crown show nonsignificant difference.
出处 《浙江农业大学学报》 CSCD 1992年第1期11-17,共7页
关键词 茶树 树冠 小气候 物候期 生化成分 tea plant crown microcjimatei phenological phase biochemical composition
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