

Data-Dependency Based Trusted Recovery of File in Information Warfare
摘要 虽然现有的安全操作系统能够防止非授权用户的访问,但是它们不能阻止授权用户的恶意攻击行为。在信息战环境下,恶意授权用户(malicious authorized user)发起的数据篡改攻击是一种新的严重安全威胁。它通过被恶意修改的数据误导被攻击的组织做出错误的决策。针对恶意系统授权用户造成的文件数据篡改破坏问题,本文提出了一种基于数据依赖的文件数据可靠恢复算法。在发现系统授权用户的恶意攻击行为后,它能够通过对恶意用户所攻击的文件数据和非恶意用户所访问文件数据间存在的数据依赖关系的分析,自动发现被破坏的数据并对其进行自动修复。它的优点在于对受破坏的文件数据恢复时,能够保留未受恶意攻击影响的工作,从而提高系统的可用性,增强抗恶意攻击的能力。 Although existing secure operating systems can prevent unauthorized users' access requirements.it is out of its' reach to stop authorized users' malicious attacks. In information warfare context,malicious modification of data values by system authorized users is a more dangerous threat. It misleads the attacked organization into making wrong decisions by using the malicious modified data values. In order to solve the problem of malicious modification of file data caused by malicious authorized users, a data-dependency based file data damage assessment and trusted recovery algorithm is presented in this paper. After attacking behaviors of malicious authorized users were found.it can do file data damage assessment and trusted recovery automatically by analyzing the data dependency existing among the data values written by malicious attackers and the data values read/written by benign users.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期73-77,共5页 Computer Science
基金 国家“863”高技术(NO:2001AA144010)经费资助.
关键词 信息安全 文件 数据依赖 信息系统 信息战 信息保障 数字签名 Information warfare,Secure operating system,Trusted recovery,File, Malicious authorized user,Insider threat
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