
若干发展的消息传递界面:PVMPI,IMPI与FT-MPI 被引量:1

Some Improved Message Passing Interfaces:PVMPI,IMPI and FT-MPI
摘要 本文介绍了诸如PVMPI、IMPI的改进型消息传递界面(在异构环境中不同的MPI实现能够彼此互操作),也介绍了具有容错能力的FI-MPI。分析了MPI的特征和体系结构及其性能。 Some improved message passing interfaces such as PVMPI.IMPI, in which different MPI implementations in a heterogeneous environment can interoperate with each other. and FT-MPI, which have fault tolerant capability, are introduced, then the feathers and architectures of these MPI are analyzed, the performance are also discussed. All these might provide researchers with reference.
作者 魏兵海
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期161-162,169,共3页 Computer Science
基金 华中科技大学博士后基金(AA183107)
关键词 消息传递界面 PVMPI IMPI FT-MPI 并行虚拟机 操作系统 Message passing interface, Heterogeneous environment, Interoperability. Fault tolerant capability
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