
传感器网络的路由机制 被引量:39

Routing Mechanism in Sensor Networks
摘要 微电子技术和无线技术的进步推动传感器网络的发展,传感器网络实现分布式监测任务,能够应用于各种领域。由于传统网络路由协议重点在于提供高的服务质量,不能适用于存在能量约束的传感器网络。本文在说明传感器特点的基础上,对传感器网络的路由机制进行了简单的分类,并详细介绍和分析已提出的主要路由机制。 Recent advancement in electronics and wireless communications has enabled the development of sensor networks,which perform distributed sensing task and can be used for various application areas. Traditional routing protocols can not be used for sensor networks because conventional protocols focus on providing high quality of service and not on limited energy supply. This paper makes a survey of recent works on routing mechanism for sensor networks. First the paper presents the characteristics of sensor networks. Then it classifies the main routing protocols proposed in the literature .describes and analyzes them in detail.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期54-57,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.60373049) 国家863高科技发展计划项目(No.2001AA112051)资助
关键词 传感器网络 路由机制 无线通信 容错性 通信介质 网络协议 网络带宽 Sensors networks .Routing mechanism,Efficient energy
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