
基于概念格的Web日志路径挖掘算法 被引量:13

An Algorithm for Path Mining of Web Log Based on Concept Lattice
摘要 路径挖掘适用于探索用户沿超连接寻找和浏览网页的规律,而Web日志的完美结构使挖掘更加容易和有效。由二元关系导出的概念格作为一种非常有用的形式化工具,体现了概念内涵和外延的统一,反映了对象和特征间的联系以及概念的泛化与例化关系,因此非常适于发现数据中潜在的信息。本文通过概念格模型,提出了一种Web日志的路径挖掘算法,并进行了相关的分析与展望。 Path Mining is used to discover the regularities when Web users browse and select Web pages along hyperlinks. The perfect structure of Web log make Web mining easier and more efficient. Concept lattice,induced from a binary relation between objects and features, is a very useful formal tool and has been used in many fields. It realizes the unification of concept intension and concept extension, represents the association between objects and features, and reflects the relationship of generalization and the specialization among concepts, so it is fit for discovering the potential information of the data- In this paper, based on the Concept lattice, an algorithm of Web log path mining is presented. And the related analysis and expectation are given.
作者 杨飞
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期115-117,共3页 Computer Science
关键词 事务数据库 关联规则 概念格 WEB日志 路径挖掘算法 数据挖掘 Web mining,Web log mining,Association rules,Path mining,Concept lattice
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