对 32 0例以癫痫发作为首发症状病人的病因进行回顾性分析。病因与发病时间的相关分析显示 :急性癫痫组和慢性癫痫组的主要病因不同。不同分组方式的病因构成比分析显示 :不同的年龄、发作类型组的主要病因分布均有非常显著性差异 (P =0 .0 0 )。提示 :癫痫发作在许多疾病中均可出现 ,病因复杂 ,但有其内在规律。不同的发病年龄、发作形式、病因与发病时间的相关性等因素与病因学之间的内在联系 ,对癫痫的病因诊断有一定指导意义。
Altogether 320 cases with seizures as initial symptoms were studied retr ospectively. They were categorized as different factors, and the percentages of causes for seizures from different groups were evaluated by statistic software S PSS 10.0 . The causes for acute and chronic seizures were different. The varied etiological data from different age groups and different onset styles sh owed that the percentages of causes for seizures were significantly different be tween the two groups with different onset styles ( P = 0.00 ). A seizure always presents in various diseases and it shows very complicated poten tial causes to be discoveried. However, we believe some intrinsic relations amon g the seizure causes and some other clinical characters can be traced based on t his study. To figure out the relations among the causes of seizures and age grou ps, seizure patterns and varied onset styles will play an important role for neu rologists to make prompt diagnosis.
Journal of Capital Medical University