在拍卖过程中如何保护投标者隐私和防止中标者反悔是设计安全电子拍卖系统的关键技术 .该文首先综述了安全电子拍卖的研究现状和一些典型的方案设计 ,然后利用Bit承诺协议给出了一类实现安全密封电子拍卖的通用模型并构造了相应的实例 .所给模型具有如下特点 :(1 )安全性好 ,能够满足投标者匿名、投标价保密、不可否认性和强可验证性等密封电子拍卖的所有安全性要求 ;(2 )技术简单 ,仅使用了一个基本的Bit承诺协议 ,这不仅给编程实现带来很大方便 ,而且用户也易于理解和接受 ;(3)对可信赖第三方的依赖小 ;(4)模型还具有通用性 ,通过适当选取不同的单向函数 ,可得到不同的方案实例 .
Electronic auction is one of the basic businesses in electronic commence. The protection of bidder privacy and the prevention of bidder default are the keys in the designing of Secure Electronic Auction Scheme. After surveyed the studies and some typical designs on this area, this paper gives a secure sealed bid auction model and a corresponding instance using only a bit commitment protocol. The proposed model has the following advantages: (1) It has a high quality of security and can satisfy all the secure requirements of sealed bid auction, namely, bidder anonymity, bid undeniability, bid unforgeability, result verifiability, bid secrecy, auction fairness and bid confidentiality. (2) The technology here used is very simple,only one bit commitment protocol is used, thus provides the easiness for understanding and programming. (3) It requires almost no participation of TTP. (4) With properly one way functions chosen, the model can be exemplified into different schemes.
Chinese Journal of Computers