抗热满江红种86-13(Azolla sp.)是以现存世界上各大生物种及其部分品系共88份材料中,经过长期筛选和提纯复壮培育而成。表现抗热性强,水温长期持续在40℃以上,波幅在40.2~45.0℃的条件下,盆栽培养萍产翻一番仅3.8-4.2天;在田间最高水温达38.0—44.2℃的条件下养殖,月产鲜萍可达43965~64 725kg/公顷,是目前唯一能在夏季养用的抗热良种。全年生长期达230天,年产量为每公顷43.2万kg,比历史上沿用的本地满江红种(A.imbricata)长85天,年产量高出18.3万kg。对氮磷钾的需求因培养方式(水培、土培)、温度高低及养殖场所的肥力状况而异。有性繁殖全年产孢子果3次,产孢率和产孢量均较高。
Heat-resisting 86-13 azolla (A. paraguay) is a strong heat-resisting species selected from 88 regional strains of different living species now existing in the world through a long time of screening, purification and rejuvenation. 86-13 Azolla doubles its yield in only 3.8-4.2 days when cultivated in open air pots and the water temperature ranging from 40.2 to 45.0℃ persists to be above 40.0℃; its monthly yield in the natural field during the days with the maximum temperature of water ranging from 38.0 to 44.2℃ can come to 43965—64725 Kg/ fresh wt per ha. This, up to now, the only heat-resisting species which can be cultivated in Zhejiang in summer time. The annual growth period of this species is 230 days and its annual yield 432000Kg/fresh wt per ha. The growth period of this species is 85 days longer and its annual yield can be 183000 Kg more than those of the local azolla species which are cultivated now. Its requirement for N. P and K is varied with culture patterns (water culture method or soil culture method), temperature and fertility of the place. With relatively higher sporulation rate and sporocarp yield, it produces sporocarp three times in a year.
Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
Heat-resisting Azolla
Heat-resisting determination
Generative propagation