福克纳作品的三个主要女性人物的比较分析,三位女性人物是《喧嚣与骚动》中的凯蒂·康普生(Caddy Compson)、《在我弥留之际》中的艾迪·本德仑(Addie Bundren)和《圣殿》中的坦普尔·德莱克(Temple Drake)。试图诠释福克纳的作品中表现出的作家对妇女的社会地位和悲惨境遇的深切的同情,体现出作者的人道主义立场。
Through investigating the three female characters in William Faulkner's three master pieces-Caddy Compson in The Sound and The Fury, Addie Bundren in As I Lay Dying, Temple Drake in Sanctuary, the author of this paper intends to reveal Faulkner's attitude toward women in the south-through the description and exposure of the subordinate and inferior position in the web of a patriarchal society to show his sympathy and praise to them.
Journal of Northeast Agricultural University:Social Science Edition